Aren’t you more excited about this one?

My bother met his wife while she was pregnant. Her ex-boyfriend told her to have an abortion when she found out that she was going to have a baby. She left him immediately. Her and my bother got married a few months before she was to deliver. When her daughter was born, we all treated her with just as much love as any other person in our family. We just don’t see a difference.  My sister in law is due in a few weeks with their second baby. Someone said to my mom “aren’t you more excited about this one?”  I, at first did not understand the question. My niece is my niece. I am so excited for her sister to get here. Just because this baby has my bother’s DNA and her older sister does not, does not make her loved more by our side of the family. They are both loved equally and equally spoiled by their Aunts, Uncles, and Grand parents. She is just as much family as the new baby is. She is my little munchkin and I love her to death. I hope that she never feels like she isn’t part of our family cause she is.

Sorry for the rant but I needed to vent.


4 year old today came home from school today with a two foot wire wrapped partly around her wrist and partly just sticking out. I was in shock that her teachers would let that happen! When I asked her were she got it, she told me it was from art class! It was wrapped so tightly that she had red marks on her arm for over an hour. I of course made her take it off and give it to me right away. She had a doc’s appointment right after school or I would have marched that wire right back into the school looking for an explanation. I talked to MB and she is sending the school an email tonight and I will bring in the wire on Monday so they can see what I am talking about. Who gives a 4 year old a wire to play with? It’s just not safe.

Then we went to the doctor where they informed me that their insurance ran out in December and they needed the updated card. MB didn’t know that they were need anything since it’s the same company and they did not tell us that when I made that app. They saw her anyway and we have 60 days to get them the new card. Just before they called her back they told me that I wasn’t authorized to bring her. I am authorized. MB signed paper work 5 months ago for it. I have taken the girls to the doc a couple of times with no problems. Their doctor recognized me and we called MB and she was able to be seen. Now I have more of the same paperwork to bring back.

We started Chore charts this week.Mainly because I have been having  really hard time with 6 year old and bed time. She sneaks out of bed or sneaks a book into bed and will stay up for hours. Then she will wake up cranky from the lack of sleep. I put go to bed on time as one of her shores and she has been really good about going to bed! If she goes to bed on time all week, she gets a star. She can earn up to 4 stars.; 1 star for completing each category. Each star can be traded for 10 minutes on her Nintendo DS. She is really excited about filling in her chore chart each day to earn her stickers! I am so glad that this is working! She has also done piano everyday without complaining.

In all it has been another crazy week but at least I feel like we are salving some problems and that feels really good!

The big “D”

The kids parents are now getting divorced. 4 year old doesn’t totally understand what that means. She thought that he dad would no longer be her dad when the divorce was final. She seamed pretty happy about it actually. She doesn’t like it when we travel to Austin to see him. He doesn’t spend much time with them and she isn’t really use to having him around so I can see why she wouldn’t mind. It breaks my heart that she doesn’t really have a relationship with him. The 6 years old is pretty smart and kind of get whats going on. She told MB last night that she needed to merry a nice boy cause daddy isn’t very nice to her.  They are very close to their mom and protective of her. I know that they love their dad but they are so use to not having him around that it hasn’t really been hard for them to live far away from him for so long. The last time we went to see him, the girls had stickers and were trying to give him one. He told them to go to their play room, then grumbled at me that he can’t think when they are around. He was so annoyed at just having them in the house. I felt so badly for them. When we go to see him they are either with me or another nanny for the majority of the time. He spends very little time with them. When I was little, my dad loved being with me. I am his only daughter(I have half sisters from my mom before she marries my dad). I would steal his coffee and watch baseball games with him. He would take my me and my brothers to basket ball games, the circus, fishing trips, and rodeos. He enjoyed having us around when we little. We have great memories that we share with him. The girlies dad doesn’t seem to care. I know he loves them but he doesn’t show it. I am afraid that when they get older they won’t want him in their lives. They won’t be use to having a dad that cares. I just found out that I have to spend 6 weeks in Austin this summer :(. I am not looking forward to it. Neither are the girls. They don’t want to be away from their mom for that long.


So sick and tired of people complaining about the Hunger Games. It’s fiction and the movie is only a small part of the whole story. I’ve heard over and over again how its trying to ‘desensitize’ us…. Seriously, the reality is we live in a word when it is perfectly legal to kill babies just because they are inconvenient. We kill millions a year. The movie killed 22(fiction), we kill millions(reality). I don’t see very many people bothered by that. We have already desensitized ourselves to the killing of children! What are teaching our children when we kill then out of convenience?

My dream is that we teach each and every child that all life is precious. Killing babies teaches them that they were lucky to have just been born. We live in a time when it’s everyman for himself. No one cares anymore. It breaks my heart.  I wonder what the world would be like if everyone knew that they were loved. There wouldn’t be wars, and over flowing jails. There would be peace and happiness. It starts with us deciding to show love to every person!

“Hurting people, hurt people and healthy people, help people.”